Strategic Planning
Letter from the Head of School
Dear Dominion families, alumni, and friends:
Have you ever jumped into a situation where you knew if God did not show up, then you would fail? It looks difficult, scary, or even dangerous. If I do this, I might be uncomfortable. Everyone is going to think I am crazy. Maybe I am crazy? What if I really do fail? Truth is, if it is crazy, it’s probably God. Throughout the Bible we see God ask people to do impossible tasks. He asked Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He asked Noah to build a boat. He asked Mary to be the mother of His son Jesus. Jesus took 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and fed 5000 people…with food to spare! Ephesians 3:20 tells us that He can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

God is at work all around us and He invites us into His story each and every day. He puts God-sized dreams in our hearts. And God-sized dreams aren’t really about size, they are about us accepting what God is inviting us to do so He can be glorified. The one requirement is that He directs the dream. Because without God, they will fail. According to 2 Timothy 2:21, “If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.”
Here at Dominion Christian we have “God-sized” dreams. We don’t know what door God will open for our school, but we want to position ourselves to be ready when He does decide to move so we can impact more lives for Jesus. Whether this is retiring our current debt, adding turf to our football field, building home side stadium bleachers with a pressbox, a new multi-purpose building with additional classroom space/fine arts theatre/cafeteria/basketball court, new tables for our lunchroom, creating new/different ways to disciple our students so they have a personal relationship with Christ, or even beginning a lower school program for K-5 students so we become a full K-12 program. These are big, God-sized dreams, but we know God can do everything! We believe God has a purpose for this school…in this day…at this time…in this community. Our desire is that we would seek God’s will for our school and listen for his voice in all we do.
Since 1997, Dominion Christian has been equipping students to love God and love others through Christ-centered education. We boldly proclaim Biblical truths as we partner with families to mentor students towards a life focused on Christ.
Our current Strategic Plan has a lot of “God-size” dreams that focus on 3 main objectives:
- Develop and implement a plan to manage growth
- Retain/Attract high quality teachers and staff
- Improve and strengthen our culture through discipleship, communication, and community
These are very exciting times in the life of Dominion Christian. I hope you will join me in praying for “more than we can imagine” as we continue to show up and let God show off for His glory.

J. Edward Morris
Head of School