Service Hours Information & Submission.

DCS students must have completed 10 hours of volunteer service work for each year they are students at Dominion from the date of enrollment. For students who complete four years at Dominion, this will mean they must complete 40 hours of service work by the time they graduate. Students transferring in to Dominion need to complete 10 hours for each year they are enrolled at Dominion.

There are three basic types of service work in which students may engage.

Direct service involves working directly with people in need. Some examples might be doing housework for an elderly person, feeding homeless people, or babysitting for a neighbor who needs to work.

Indirect service would involve giving assistance to agencies that work with those in need. Some examples of indirect service would be raising money for a pro-life agency, doing clerical work for an agency, or serving at a fund-raising banquet for a service agency. Indirect service differs from direct service in that direct service involves direct contact with those in need, whereas indirect service provides assistance to those who do serve the needy directly.

Advocacy would involve promotion of particular service-oriented issues. Some examples of advocacy would be lobbying the legislature on behalf of pro-life issues, distributing literature in support of homeless issues, or posting neighborhood signs supporting political candidates.

Submit Your Service Hours