2024 Candidates for SGA.

You will be asked to vote for three representatives your grade. Please take a few moments to consider their statement before you vote on your class representatives.

9th Grade Candidates

Zoe Anderson

I would like to be a 9th grade class officer for the Student Government Association so that I can make a difference within my class, and the school as a whole. I want to represent the voices of my fellow students. I will be a bridge between the student body and administration to bring about positive change and make impactful decisions.

When I first began attending Dominion in the sixth grade, I joined volleyball and basketball. By participating in sports, I learned teamwork, how to focus, and how to be confident in my abilities. I have been able to juggle classwork and extracurricular activities, and still maintain high grades. During sports, I also learned how to be a good communicator, and believe effective communication is required in any group activity. I am polite and respectful of authority. I am resilient and I never give up even if it looks like things are not going to be easy. I am confident that I will be able to apply all of my qualities to strengthen the Student Government Association.

Vote for me, Zoe Anderson as 9th grade class officer for the Student Government Association!!

Emily Cook

I desire to be elected for SGA for multiple reasons. One reason is that it will give me experience in a school club/association, which I would like to do more of eventually, and in upcoming years. Another reason is I think it will help better me and teach me skills I might not have had prior. I imagine it will also help me when I apply for colleges and jobs, for I have big dreams I want to see become achieved in the future.

I believe that I am creative and open-minded, and I would love to hear everyone’s ideas and suggestions for different themes, etc. I also work well with others, and it’s never been a struggle for me compromise and make solutions that multiple people like. I want to help switch things up for Dominion, and make things like retreat and homecoming different and overall better! I truly do want to focus on what matters to my peers, and what everyone wants to see. Vote me, Emily Cook, for Student Government Association!


Andrew Harden

I believe that I should be elected because I am smart, respectful, and will always listen to the voices of my peers. I believe that the opinion of those who elected me is of the utmost importance and that there is no one more in control of my decisions than the student body.

I know what it feels like to not be heard or to feel like you are too small in stature or power to make a difference. This is why, as a person of the SGA I will do everything in my power to make sure that that doesn’t happen to anyone else. I strongly believe that everyone’s voice and opinion matters and should be respected and heard. As a leader of the 9th grade class I vow to make those that feel unheard be heard and their opinions will be listened to and considered in the decisions that I make.
Finally, I want to make everyone seen and all opinions voiced because no opinion is wrong in my eyes and if it is an opinion of someone in the 9th grade class it should be voiced and heard by those in power to make it happen. I want to make sure that everyone feels included and that, you, the students of the 9th grade class of 2024-2025, matter to me and that you will give me the blueprint of the decisions that will follow from my leadership. By the grace of your vote I wish to show that your opinion matters and that I truly care for what you have to say.

Thank you for at least giving me a chance to represent the 9th grade class, it would be my honor to represent you in my leadership. I believe that whomever you vote for, though I hope it is me, will lead this 9th grade class to a great year.

Zoe Jackson

My name is Zoe Jackson and this is my fourth year at Dominion. I’m running for SGA because I want to represent my grade and help the voice of others be heard in our school. I believe that if I am selected for SGA, I can offer good ideas and be a leader among all students and other officers. I am committed to always putting the needs of the school and of my classmates before my own. I believe that a true leader not only takes responsibility but also should serve with humility, just as Christ did. If you vote for me, I promise to do my best representing both Christ’s leadership and humility.

I have had many experiences in the past with leading. I have been the captain of my volleyball team in my seventh and eighth grade years, along with the captain of my basketball team in my sixth and seventh grade years. I have led a girl’s Bible study at school for the past year and a half, and I enjoy talking with and counseling those younger than me at my youth group. I did many clubs and extracurriculars in elementary school including Jr. Chat, Science Olympiad, Reading Bowl, and many others. I have been told that I was a natural born leader since I was little, and I promise to continue to lead honestly and responsibly in SGA. I really hope you would consider voting for me, I truthfully believe that I would make an excellent representative for the SGA.

Savannah Massengill

I desire to be appointed as a class officer because I want to be able to to speak on behalf of my classmates and what they want to see continued or changed in our school. I also believe that I have certain qualities that make me a great choice for student government. I value my relationship with God and am not ashamed to live for Him and try to point my peers and classmates to Him. I am also very organized, I love talking to people, and I’m great at planning and delegating.

I have past experience in leadership roles. I have been in Beta Club for three years, I help teach a children’s class at church, and have recently started my own dog-sitting business. I am also a member of the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy and the youngest member of Dominion’s varsity cheer squad. Because my parents pastor our church, my sister and I have often had to act as leaders within our youth group, encouraging other kids to be at church, helping to disciple the ones who may not yet understand anything about living for God, and helping plan youth events.

Being a part of the SGA at Dominion will give me the opportunity to have a voice in making our school the very best that it can be, and speak up on behalf of those who may not feel comfortable speaking up for themselves. My leadership experience, outgoing personality, devotion to living a Christian life, along with my skills such as organization and attention to detail makes me a great candidate for this position.

Finley Morrison

I wish to be appointed as an SGA officer because I want to be a part of the community in which SGA takes place. A community where everyone’s opinions and ideas are respected and taken seriously in order to make the best decisions and changes for the school. I am hoping to develop my leadership skills and the way I work with other people deeper by being involved in a setting such as this. I am also aspiring to help future students and their experience at Dominion through the community of SGA. I am a Teacher’s Assistant for the middle school, and watching the younger students grow inspires me to do whatever I can to make their attendance at Dominion an amazing time.

I believe that the leadership characteristics I possess begin with Jesus Christ being the center of my life. I value His opinion over anyone else’s, and I will not form any idea for our school that does not revolve around Him. I also enjoy being around other people and listening to what they think and have to say. I think through situations and circumstances very thoroughly, doing my best to see every perspective and outcome involved. I have been attending Dominion for four years, so I care about this school a lot. All of these things add up to the fact that I want to do what is best for the school, and I will do my absolute best to achieve that.

I can contribute to the SGA organization by being an advocate and a clear speaker for my class. As I said before, I value others opinions, and to be a part of SGA and help my fellow classmates be heard would be an honor for me. It would also be amazing to help support the faculty at Dominion and, like I mentioned, do what is best for the blessing of a school I go to.

Gabe Usher

I desire to be elected or appointed as a class officer because it gives me the daily opportunity to make a difference at my school. It also gives me many opportunities to develop good decision-making skills, practice servant leadership, and grow my listening skills to create a better environment for my fellow students. Likewise, this position would develop my teamwork skills and help me better understand how government works and my role in it.

I have several leadership characteristics. Specifically, I am a hard worker, honest, and dedicated to doing what is right. I believe integrity is important and one should always lead by example. I have previous leadership experience through volunteering at my church in the kids’ ministry, the food pantry, and the coffee team. Furthermore, I have served as a team captain for soccer and as a captain for the safety patrol at my previous school.

If given this opportunity, I will contribute to my school and class by actively listening to needs/wants and being available. I will meet all challenges with a good attitude and perseverance. Finally, I will always strive to do better.