Academic & Extra-Curricular Clubs.
As a college preparatory school, Dominion offers a wide variety of academic clubs for student involvement and interaction. Primary to each of these clubs are both school and community outreach.
National Honors Society
Four main purposes have guided NHS from the beginning: to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools. Candidates must meet the chapter’s requirements for scholarship, service, leadership, and character in order to be selected for membership.
Beta Club
Beta Club is a club for students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in the humanities, worthy citizenship, and a commendable attitude throughout their high school years. The Beta Club recognizes outstanding achievement, promotes character and social responsibility, encourages service involvement to school and community, fosters leadership skills, grants scholarships, and provides settings for development of interpersonal relationship skills. Students are required to complete school-related volunteer service and community volunteer service.
Mu Alpha Theta
Mu Alpha Theta is dedicated to inspiring keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school students. Candidates must demonstrate excellence in scholarship and character to qualify for membership. Students are required to complete school-related volunteer service and community volunteer service.
Student Government Association (SGA)
SGA acts as the voice of the students to the administration. In addition, SGA plays a vital role in the life of DCS. These students make an impact school-wide through organizing student-led prayer and bible studies, assisting the Admissions & Development Offices by giving tours and speaking at various promotional functions, welcoming prospective and new student families to the school, and planning student events. SGA works closely with administration to provide a wide range of student led activities that impact DCS and the surrounding community.

DoMissions Trips

Dominion Outreach Club

Book Club

Chess Club

Debate Club

Green Club

Cultural Awareness Club