Academic Support.
The Academic Coaching program is designed to address student’s learning needs through accommodations and academic support.
Dominion recognizes the individual needs of students. We are here to help students recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and develop the strategies and skills needed to meet the expectations of the school, their families, and themselves.
Our guidance counselor works closely with the students assisting them with accommodations in the classroom and on standardized tests such as the PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT and Advanced Placement. In the process, students acquire the ability to independently gain confidence and self-advocacy as they move on to college. Note: Dominion Christian School does not modify curriculum.

Admission to Dominion is based upon students’ past academic achievement, current academic goals, and educational psychological evaluation/diagnostic , as well as teacher and counselor recommendations. Student progress is assessed by teachers and the guidance counselor as they make placement recommendations for the following year.
Classroom Accommodations
These accommodations are wide ranging and could include note-taking assistance, accessible seating, or alternative environment for taking examinations.
Additional Time
Once a student has approved accommodations, they are often eligible to receive extra time or oral testing. Please contact the school guidance counselor for additional information about academic accommodations.